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The Ultimate Skincare Guide: Simple Steps To Glowing, Gorgeous Skin

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Let’s face it: taking care of your skin can be hard. There are so many other things fighting for your attention, so channeling lots of time and energy into your skincare regime is probably the last thing on your mind!

However, bad skin can lead to low confidence levels, which in turn can impact on your daily life. You might be tempted to shy away from attention, or even deny yourself of fun opportunities simply due to low self esteem. 

Fortunately, learning how to take great care of your skin can actually be pretty simple when you know how. This guide is filled to the brim with effective tips and ideas that can help to kick your skin issues to the curb, and it doesn’t require an exhausting amount of effort to get started! 

We rarely talk about skin care here but it is an important part of your look. Clothes and a great outfit can only go so far. Being polished and looking stylish also involves taking care of our bodies and skin, and feeling good about the most important base layer.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to boost your confidence and achieve a healthy glow, then read on to discover more now.

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Image Source – Pexels 

Simple Steps to Glowing Skin

Step 1: Acknowledge That No Skin Is Perfect

Before we dive into the best steps around to help you take better care of your skin, it’s important to recognize that no skin is perfect. The photos that you see on social media aren’t real – celebrities and social media influencers spend hours photoshopping their pictures in order to remove wrinkles and acne, smooth out bumps and get rid of visible pores.

Even in the real world, many people get up hours before heading out of the door to apply layer after layer of makeup to conceal their insecurities! The simple fact of the matter is that perfect skin just isn’t achievable, and everyone will have their own little issues that just can’t be resolved. Accepting this can be a great way to fall back in love with your appearance, as it’s these differences that make you a unique individual; this is something that should therefore be celebrated, not hidden away. 

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Step 2: Learn More About Your Skin

There’s never going to be a product that solves every person’s skin issues, so you need to take some time to learn more about your skin rather than following the crowd when it comes to skincare and beauty practices. What works for one individual may wreak havoc for another, so figure out your unique needs in order to find the best solution.

Do you have eczema or dry skin, or do you struggle with excess oil and acne? All of these things would require a completely different approach, and using an unsuitable product could potentially worsen your skin rather than improving it.

Take the opportunity to test out different products so that you can learn more about your skin, as some ingredients will boost your glow whereas others won’t help at all. For example, rose products can be great for redness, oatmeal can be ideal for dryness, and charcoal products can help to absorb excess oil. 

Step 3: Eat A More Natural Diet 

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You might be thinking, what does my diet have to do with my skin? Well, the answer is.. everything! Your diet impacts drastically on the health and appearance of your skin, as a poor diet filled with processed foods can lead to an increased risk of a whole host of skin issues that could have otherwise been avoided.

Most processed foods contain high levels of salt, sugar, fat, dairy and other ingredients that can wreak havoc for your skin, leading to an imbalance of oil and even acidic sweat that can dry you out. Instead, when you choose to consume a natural diet of wholefoods, you’ll be providing your skin with all of the vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive. Focus on fruits and vegetables, complex carbs like sweet potatoes and brown rice, and lean protein like chicken and beans.

Try to make your own meals and snacks from scratch whenever you can, as this way you’ll have more control over how much salt, sugar and other nasties go inside. Aside from healthier, glowing skin, you’ll also likely have more energy, better sleep and a stronger immune system as a result of your improved diet – what’s not to love?! 

Step 4: Minimize Your Makeup Use 

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Another great step that you can follow to improve your skin and achieve a gorgeous glow is to minimize your makeup use. Though this may be easier said than done, especially if you are insecure about your skin, it’s essential to let your skin breathe.

Makeup like concealer and foundation can clog your pores, leading to an increased risk of acne among other things. Most makeup products also contain lots of different chemicals and other harmful substances that will be absorbed by your skin throughout the day. If you want your skin to stand a chance of improving, then minimize your makeup use and have as many makeup free days a week as you can.

Use a thorough cleanser that can remove any excess products from deep in your pores, as a simple makeup wipe will just push the makeup further into your skin. Follow up with a good moisturizer that has SPF protection, as this will stop your skin from drying out and prevent any damage from the sun’s UV rays. 

Step 5: Drink More Water 

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This might be one of the first things that anyone says to you when you complain of skin insecurities, but drinking more water is actually a great way to help clear up your skin. When you drink a good amount of water, you’ll be giving your body (mainly your liver and kidneys) exactly what they need to flush out your system and get rid of any potentially harmful toxins. This will leave your skin with a healthy glow like never before, especially when you can commit to drinking 2 liters of water each and every day for a long period of time.

Water is not only essential for healthy skin, as it supports the rest of your body too. It’s thought that the human body is at least 60-70% water, so if you don’t drink enough, you’ll encounter all kinds of health problems that could have been avoided. If you don’t like the taste of water on its own, then add some chopped fruit or fresh herbs like mint to spice things up. Grab a glass and start chugging! 

Step 6: Reduce Your Stress Levels & Relax 

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Last but by no means least, reducing your stress levels and prioritizing relaxation can benefit your skin to no end. It might be surprising to realize that there’s a strong connection between stress and poor skin health, but actually the two go hand in hand. Stress can impact negatively on your entire body and mind, leaving you feeling worn out, run down and out of steam.

If you’re feeling that way on the outside, then imagine what’s going on inside! You can expect an increase of breakouts, redness, dry skin and more, all because of your high stress levels. Stress can also lead to other issues that impact on your skin’s health, such as limiting self care or eating an excess of comforting junk food. Always take time out to relax and unwind, as indulging in things such as meditation or exercise like yoga can help you to find your flow and clear your mind of troublesome thoughts. 

Achieving healthy, glowing skin has never been so simple when you can follow the tried and tested steps detailed above! It takes time and dedication to look after your skin, but the results will no doubt make it more than worth it.

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