What I Read in January
It read a few less books this month but I actually read two books with no audio assistance, which is a major accomplishment for me! Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine I picked up a copy…
View PostA collection of lifestyle articles about things that affect style and beauty inside and out, and anything not fashion related. It all goes hand and hand. To attain outer beauty, you need to work on inner beauty and vice versa. From the foods we put into our bodies to the thoughts we put into our minds, we get results that reflect in our outward appearance. What we put into our bodies and minds affects our outward appearance as much as the clothes we wear and the things we do to the outside. Topics include health, nutrition, fitness, sleep, self care, self development, stress and self awareness. You may also find articles about styling your home or other areas of your lifestyle. Things that bring happiness and peace are are part of a satisfying lifestyle.
It read a few less books this month but I actually read two books with no audio assistance, which is a major accomplishment for me! Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine I picked up a copy…
View PostI hope you have a few days of down time left in the year to curl up with a good book and get lost in another story/life. Or if you still have traveling to do,…
View PostI did very little actual reading in November but I had some days off and lots of time in a car, so I did a lot of listening to audio books. I like to listen…
View PostAnother month full of awesome thrillers! I’ve almost forgotten about my goal to read some non-fiction each month, but managed to slip in Reese Witherspoon’s Whiskey in a Teacup. I also started a couple of…
View PostHello and happy Friday! It’s a long weekend for me, woo hoo! I’m preparing for a little down time this weekend to celebrate our 14th anniversary on the 14th. With that in mind, I’ve been…
View PostI read and finished some amazing books this month! Somehow I didn’t manage to finish any non-fiction, although I have one print and two audio books about 3/4 finished in non-fiction. I guess I got…
View PostI didn’t read quite as many books this month as past months, but I actually physically read more than I listened, and that is a slower pace for me. I also have two books that…
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